consider this lily
pure white cup strong centre stamen
deep glossy arrowhead leaf
naked birch line the curve amongst wintered beds
spidered shadows fall across road
inviting green of expansive lawns
lighted birch it's whiteness shines
old monarch gathers sustenance
his near gone wings such a tattered sight
yet he continues because he can
he even flew on tatty wings to the top of blossom tree
an inspiration from one so small
life is so live
to blossom so pink they come they drink
a feast for all their royalty
young and old
naked strong and tall
straight, stunning against bluest sky
they tower different families same species
their beauty raw and striking
shadows long over picnic bench
on the mount his mighty bough spread
a haven for many generation
of budding climbers
perfect imperfections
scraggled or straight naked or clothed
all quite perfect
magnolia bloom bold and beautiful
their scent so divine such bliss
blessings counted
delicate blooms vibrant wine on white
glimpsed through fair lichened limbs
contrasts of natures textures
a fragile white of magnolia more delicate
scented wonders striking centres
dappled shade highlights
reddest rhododendron stark against greenest leaf
unashamed of their flaunting beauty
nature does it best
my cladded feet in a splayed vee
between which sit a leaf of the same size
this one lost all life
London Plane's splotched wonder towers supreme
I am in awe as am I so small
an old friend of mine
horizon an eternity away under gradient blue
suburbia nestled amongst patches of green
rushes brown green in bog river snakes away sky blue
a slip, erosion a natural culling
grim river below rushes golden in sunlight
horizon disappeared in white
a baby giant
stages bronze green olive tips
a sweet spiked beauty
maple like leaf leeched of life
lays alone pointed perfection veined
abandoned nest of paper wasps
hunted hunters who merely care for their young
we declare a death sentence
this giant rests as its sap starts to flow
spring is coming fast
That was our quick visit to Yatton Park
A beautiful place I have appreciated since I was a young child
I hope you enjoyed it's treasures.
Thank You
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